Capitalism WILL fall!!!!

Capitalism WILL fall!!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


The stuggle is getting more complicated in this life. You have to be almost rich to not be succumbed by poverty, especially since the middle class is steady disappearing. One thing we can say about the rich, (something we all should consider) is that most of them has to have a tremendous amount of selfishness to acheive their monetary goal.
The struggle i'm begining to learn is inevitable, because whether we try to survive on our own or work together in love, we will struggle. Now let us consider these 2 forms of struggling; The first is being in the disadvantage whether it's being raised in impoverished conditions or a change of status or circumstances, this is the point where one falls victim to social subjection of the rich. It does'nt matter if it's an indivisual willing to assist the Disadvantaged, an employer or the government's social system, the poor must accept the terms of conditions required to receive services. This puts the Disadvantaged at the mercy of the entity's (be it indivisual, corporate or systematic) will. Thus rendering the Disadvantaged's acknowledgement, labor, participation and perpetual loyalty to him/her or that which establishes assistance. This is in reality an oxymoron because though the service to the rich exploits the needs and wamts of Disadvanteged, the rich in return depends almost virtually on the Disadvantaged.

Now the next kind of poor we shall examime is the self inflicted poor, the denial of the needs and comforts of the world as we understand them to be. This particular poverty is seeded through the idea that self denial and humility against sovereign ideaology outlines the path to true freedom, free from obligation, free from stress, being in the position of the "have nots". Being what's called the unsuccessful but at the same time being successful in dealing with people because of the genuine perception of what matters most.

I'm begining to understand what love is and how to heal ourselves with compassion, and that is to boldly go where mankind don't wanna go........ comming together as one in love and compassion for each other's needs that we all may share wealth together, this would be true social living, unaduterated communism at it's finest, think about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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